Need help with housing?
There are limited spaces available at different shelters and transitional living situations. There is no central number for all housing options. However, there are “coordinated entry” points that you can access yourself or through the help of an outreach provider or case manager.
Homeless shelter vacancies are shared daily by the Governor’s Office on Homelessness and on O'ahu can be accessed through PIC Vacancy Grid, by calling each DHS HPO shelter, or by calling Aloha United Way 211.
Getting released from OCCC and other correctional facilities can be overwhelming with no easy way to access insurance, housing, healthcare and the other services you may need.
The Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center provides the following resources to help you navigate and figure out your next steps. If you have questions or would like more information about our clinic and other services, please call (808) 521-2437 or email info@hhhrc.org.
If you want to go get help with your drug use, you can call CARES (Coordinated Access and Resources Entry System) at (808) 832-3100 and get an assessment to see if you qualify for residential treatment, although this usually takes a few days. CARES may also be able to help you with finding a bed at other special housing sites, such as for those struggling with mental health challenges or those seeking “clean and sober” or recovery homes. There are other housing resources such as Fernhurst for women on O'ahu.
If you want help with more permanent housing, you will need to get an assessment called the VISPDAT and access the Partners in Care Coordinated Entry System through one of the following methods:
talking to a shelter provider if you are already there
asking your case manager
calling Aloha United Way 211

Need health insurance?
See if you are eligible and apply for MedQuest online or by calling 1(800) 603-1201. If you do not have a primary care provider, you can find a Community Health Center near you. You can also call Aloha United Way 211 and ask for the closest health center to you.
Need food benefits (SNAP)?
In order to get the latest information, visit the SNAP Website before calling or visiting.
Need help with documentation for any of the above?
Contact Legal Aid Society for help Monday through Friday, 9:00AM - 11:30AM and 1:00PM - 3:30PM on O'ahu at (808) 536-4302 or Neighbor Islands at 1(800) 499-4302. Be prepared to provide information about your legal problem, income, assets, and number of people in your household.