AM - Chinatown Wound Care / Punawai
PM - Office
AM - Sand Island / Thomas Square / Mother Waldren
PM - Office
AM - Chinatown Wound Care
PM - Office
For more information call 808.723.0099
HHHRC's new medical mobile unit (MMU) delivers low-threshold and high-impact harm reduction interventions to those with a range of compounding socioeconomic barriers that prevent them from accessing traditional medical care.
Fondly named Ka'a Lawe Pono, or "the vehicle that delivers wellness," our MMU and its staff help clients navigate the healthcare and social service systems while providing quality on-the-spot care.
Free and confidential HIV and hepatitis screening
Acute medical care *emergency services not provided
Wound care
Syringe exchange
Naloxone training and provisions
STI testing for women of childbearing age
Linkage to:
HIV/HCV testing and case management ​
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services
Transgender services
Behavioral health services
Substance use treatment
Smoking cessation
Housing support