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40th Anniversary Celebration

Hawaiʻi Health & Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC) is hosting its 40th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, November 18th, 2023, at 5:00 pm at the Church of the Crossroads. The evening will commemorate the Life Foundation and its impactful 40-year history of HIV/AIDS education, advocacy, and contributions to public health.

HHHRC will be premiering a documentary at this celebration that focuses on the history of the Life Foundation and the HIV/AIDS outbreak. Documentaries like these are essential for raising awareness, educating the public, and commemorating the efforts of organizations and individuals contributing to the fight against HIV/AIDS.

The documentary will cover various aspects of the Life Foundation's history, including its founding, key milestones, initiatives, and impact on the HIV/AIDS community. Additionally, it will delve into the challenges faced, medical advancements, advocacy efforts, and the overall progress made.

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