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Circle of Giving - January

Mahalo to the Nā Lei Aloha Foundation for supporting our wellness programs offered to staff throughout the year for the second consecutive year. Funds have been used to support physical activities like yoga, Zumba, walking, hiking, and bike rides, team building events. Offerings that include painting, mindful meditation, mindful self-compassion, and a recently established book club.

Mahalo to the Padosi Foundation and Iwamoto Family Foundation for their generous support.

Mahalo to Jack Law, owner of Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand, for his generous support. Jack Law has provided space and resources to Hawaii’s gay community for over four decades. Check out his interview with Leslie Wilcox on PBS Hawaii’s “Long Story Short” a few years ago.

Mahalo to Dr. David McEwan, founder of Life Foundation, HHHRC’s predecessor organization, for his generosity and continued support of HHHRC.

Mahalo to the dozens who responded to our year-end appeal.

If you’d like to join them in support of our work, please consider a donation or a planned gift.

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