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"Give Aloha" to HHHRC Through September

Throughout the month of September, you can “Give Aloha” to HHHRC when shopping at Foodland or Sack-N-Save. When checking out, provide the cashier with our designation number (78953). Cashiers can also look up the code.

Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will partially match donations made with a Maikaʻi Card. Funds will be delivered to us in October.

You can also donate 250 Maikaʻi points, equivalent to a $5 donation to help increase the matching gift for all participating organizations. You can also purchase Give Aloha merchandise designed by Punky Aloha to help too! 

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Want to support your favorite local harm reduction agency and score some cool swag at the same time?  Check out our new online shop for the latest H3RC merchandise. 

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