HHHRC began a new training program this month to benefit employees and patrons of our partners in Oahu’s service industry. These training sessions focus on how to recognize an opioid overdose and how to save a person’s life with a simple nasal spray known as naloxone in settings such as hotels, bars, and nightclubs.
With the increase of fentanyl in street drugs and the increased risk of prescription medication overdoses for our kūpuna, HHHRC is actively educating and equipping residents of O῾ahu with lifesaving tools like naloxone. Naloxone is a safe medication that can prevent opioid overdoses when administered. It does not interact with other drugs, has no side effects, and can be obtained at no-cost through our agency.
These trainings are funded through HHHRC’s Overdose Data 2 Action [OD2A] grant, sponsored by the State Department of Health. This grant provides resources and tools to our community and our islands. OD2A’s seeks to ensure we are proactively engaging the issues and causes of overdose and preparing residents to understand how to save someone’s life.